Global Award

6 minutowe wystąpienia podczas Golden Globe Awards, które bezsprzecznie przejdzie do historii, mądre słowa, prawdziwe emocje i jeszcze mądrzejsza krytyka – ani razu nie wymieniając jego imienia! Meryl Streep dziękuję! Już całkiem na marginesie: aktor może zagrać i świnie i anioła lecz tylko dobry aktor wie jaką rolę wybrać vide szopka polska.



Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ’em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts. They gave me three seconds to say this. An actor’s only job is to enter the lives of people who are different from us and let you feel what that feels like. And there were many, many, many powerful performances this year that did exactly that, breathtaking, passionate work.
As my friend, the dear departed Princess Leia, said to me once, take your broken heart, make it into art. Thank you.


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